
ミネソタ州立大学ムーアヘッド校 会計学部を5月に卒業して帰国し、税務の仕事してます。




- 文字と文字の結合の場合は、&(アンパサンド)を使ってつなげる

- CntCount







Sub Practice7()
  Dim i As Long
  Dim lngTotal As Long
  Dim lngCnt As Long
  lngTotal = 0
  lngCnt = 0
  For i = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    Cells(i, 4) = Cells(i, 2) * Cells(i, 3)
    lngTotal = lngTotal + Cells(i, 4)
    lngCnt = lngCnt + 1
  MsgBox "合計:" & lngTotal & vbLf & _
    "平均:" & lngTotal / lngCnt, _
   vbOKOnly, "結果"
End Sub





Sub Practice6()
  Dim i As Long
  Dim lngTotal As Long
  Dim lastRow As Long
  lngTotal = 0
 lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
  For i = 2 To lastRow
    Cells(i, 4) = Cells(i, 2) * Cells(i, 3)
    lngTotal = lntTotal + Cells(i, 4)
 Cells(lastRows + 1, 4) = lngTotal
End Sub

”すぐ使える仕事英語”を読んだ メモ 後半




-  数表には合計を載せる。


- データの並び方に意味を持たせる(ABC分析など)




- データ縦横の合計が合っているか計算して確認する。


- プレゼンテーションは質問から始める。

  1. ex) Do you know what S V?

     Are you satisfied with O that S V?

    Don’t you get frastrated sometimes? / たまにイライラすることはありませんか?

- column1 より、交渉でいちばん大事なのは、相手を知ること。相手がどんな人で、本当に求めていることは何か。









*Portfolio management 複数の種類の商品や事業の位置づけを見るために使われる。

star - 市場全体の伸びが大きく、自社のマーケットシェアも高い。

problem - 市場全体の伸びは大きいが、自社のマーケットシェアは低い。

cash cow - 市場の伸びは小さいが、自社のマーケットシェアは高い。

dogs - 市場の伸びが小さくて、自社のマーケットシェアも低い。









* I received a very good offer which would expand my responsibility. / 自分の責任領域を広げられるとても良い誘いを受けました。

* I could not resist  the chance to develop my skill in a bigger organization. / もっと大きな組織で自分のスキルを伸ばせるチャンスに抵抗することが出来ませんでした。

* I left the company and I needed to recharge myself. / 会社を辞めて充電する必要がありました。



* Who is your direct competitor?

* What is your challenge for this year?

* What is the key to success in this business?




- 村上春樹の本は人気

- ディナーに出されている料理の話

- 転職して今の仕事をしているのか

- いつ帰国するか

- 帰国したら食べたいもの/したいことは

- あるあるネタ




* The market research tells us the number of the new customers is decreasing. Having said so, our turnover is increasing every year.

Having said so, = そうは言うものの

* We have to admit that our computer system is not very user friendly. On the other hand, it is also true that no malfunction has occurred in the system.

* We lost the sales of product A last year. At the same time, we doubled the sales of producr B.

* It is said freshness of product is most important in the fashion industry. Nevertheless, we are still increasing the turnover of the handbags launched ten years ago.

In other words,も使える

To put it the way round, our job can be done without a computer system.

To put it the way round = 逆に言えば

* The gift of the lottery should be more attractive; something like a very expensive car, let’s say, Porche.

let’s say, = 言うならば


*There is, however, another side of this story. The flip side of the coin is…



* I would suggest changing our rebate program. What if it becomes 5%?



* It is said that silence is golden. But, in our case, silence is not  always golden. Let’s talk.

silence is golden = 沈黙は金なり

* Better late than never. / しないより遅いほうがまし。

* Live and let live. / 生きていかせ

* Rome was not built in a day.

* Easy come, easy go. / 簡単に手に入れたものは、簡単に失う。



* I cannot make any comment on it. It is beyond my authority. I would like to ask Mr. X’s opinion.



* We are not saying this is the only solution. But based on the analysis of the situation, my common sense tells me that this is a realistic and feasible solution.



* Thank you for sending me the email on the new product.

* Thank you for sending me such useful data. I received them with no problem,


* We are sorry for the very short notice and tight schedule. / 急なお願いと厳しいスケジュールで申し訳ありません。

* I would be very happy if you could kindly reply by tomorrow.



* Sincerely Yours,

* Best Regards,

* With many thanks,


















"すぐ使える仕事英語"を読んだ メモ 前半


すぐ使える仕事英語――英語公用語化、外資系のリアル | 関 栄介, |本 | 通販 | Amazon


− 語学だけでは意思の疎通は完全には出来ないので、ビジネス的思考(欧米人の考え方)を身につけること。

- 相手が社長でも、呼称はMr.もしくはMs.を使う。

- 社内でHow are you?といわれたら、返答は二日酔いで頭が痛くても、元気ですと伝える。まあ何とかといった表現が許されるのは経営幹部のみ。

- 午後3時を過ぎると”Good evening”を使う。

- 会議での数値報告では、合計と前年実績や対比の%は口頭で言う。端から細かい数字を言う必要はない。

- 大きい数字の換算に慣れる。日本円なら百万単位、少数第二位で四捨五入してしまう方法。1億2千3百50万なら、Hundred twenty three point five million

- 会議で予期しない質問が説明の途中で出されても慌てずに、まず There are three reasons. The first one is...と切り出す。必ずしも3つ理由を言う必要はない。

- 英語には日本語のように文法的敬語はないが、前置きの言葉を使い、相手を尊重し丁寧に話すモードはある。



*Mr. Suzuki, I have to ask your favor. / 一つ頼みがあります。

*I do accept your request, Mr. Sato, on the price. But I really hope you would reconsider the payment term.

* In Japan,we call a person by his/her family name. To show personal respect and frindship, we add "san" after his/her name.


* Thank you for calling us. / (電話を受ける時)

* Thank you for your prompt reply. / 早速、返信して頂き、ありがとうございます。



* Thank you for your time.

* I am looking forward to hearing from you before long. / 近いうちに返答して頂けるとうれしいです。



* Cheer up! You can do it. / 元気を出して。君なら出来るよ。

* I am counting on you. / 頼りにしている。



* Thank you for a good meal.

* We enjoyed the meal.



* I am sorry for your wife. / 奥さんのことは、お気の毒です。



* Pardon?

* I beg your pardon?



* I am afraid I am not following you. /  あなたの話を理解できていないと思います。


* May I enter into your room? / 部屋に入ってもいいですか?

* This is for you. / どうぞ受取ください。

* May I keep this? / いただいてよろしいですか?



* Be my guest.

* It's on me.


* Can you charge this to the company? / 会社に請求できますか?

* Then, let's split the bill. / 割り勘にしよう。


* Would you mind cleaning up the table? /  テーブルの上を片付けても構いませんか?

* Could I ask you to clean up the table? / テーブルの上を片付けてくださいと、頼んでもいいですか?



* If you could reply by tomorrow, that would be great.

* I would appreciate it if you could reply by tomorrow.

* If you could reply by tpmorrow, that would be highly appreciate.


* I would suggest you go to Osaka to apologize to K Trading.

* If you finish this report by noon tomorrow, that would be great.

* I appreciate it if you could finish this report by noon tomorrow.



* I'm afraid not. I have to modify the original tables before pasting them to the slides. If you could wait until tomorrow, that would be great.

* I wonder if it can be finished today, because I have to modify the original tables before pasting them to the slides. If you could wait until tomorrow, I would really appreciate it.



* Why don’t we clean up the table?

* Let’s clean up the table.



* I will have to change the schedule.

* I will not be able to reply to you by Monday.


* What was the reason you could not achieve the sales budget?



* I have bad news.

* I really hate to say this.



* call it a day / 一日の仕事を終わらせる

Looking at the huge pile of documents yet to be read through, the auditors decided to call it a day.


* make one’s day / 誰かを喜ばせる

Today you might go home earlier and dine with your wife. Make her day.


* save the day / 何とか切り抜ける

I forgot to buy a birthday present to my wife. But, in the drawer of my desk, I found a bottle of perfume I bought when I tripped to Paris last week. It really saved the day.


* all in a day’s work / 難しいがプロならできる仕事

For lifegurds, swimming in a stormy sea is all in a day’s work. / ライフセーバーは、荒れた海でも何とか泳いでしまう。



* Please start from the beginning. We are here to listen to you.



* The total of sales was five hundred twenty million yen.

* Ninty-five percent of the budgeted amount and fifteen percent increase over the previous year’s sales total.



* The market size passed the one trillion yen mark. / 市場規模は一兆円台に乗った。



* Let me explain briefly.


部分的な報告 (in part 部分的に)

* The sales was affected, in part by the price increase in October, in part by the launch of new products from the competitor, and in part by the weakend financial condition of the retailers. / 売上は一部で10月の値上げの影響を受けて落ちました。また一部の競合の新製品の導入にも影響を受けています。また一部、小売店の財務内容の悪化にも影響されました。



* I’m not sure I understand correctly. Do you mean…?

* If you do’t mind, may Irephtase what you said?

* May I check something with you? / 確認をさせてください。


If my memory is correct, …

If I remember correctly…



* Yes and No.

I agree on the orinciple of operating direct operating shops. / 直営店を出店することは原則として賛成です。

But, I disagree on some points, such as the method of existing clients, for example.



Boss: Ok. So, the sales budgets is one billion yen. Do you agree with this?


You: I think one billion is too aggressive. May I suggest 800 million?


Boss: Why do you think one billion is aggressive? How about 900 million?


You: We’ll do our best.


*aggresive = 達成厳しい


With all due respect, I fear opening a store next to the Tin Department Store may jeopardize our relationship with them. / お言葉を返すようで恐縮ですが、Tin百貨店の隣に出店するのは、彼らとの関係を損なうのではと危惧しています。



* I would like to hear your advise.



* If you can’t be late, I would recommend you to take the Shinkansen rather than a plane.